Viz Artist User Guide

Version 3.13 | Published March 28, 2019 ©

Text FX Arrange

The Text FX Arrange plug-in allows you to arrange characters in either a circular- or a wave shape. The characters can be animated on the selected shape by animating the offset value.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> TextFX

This page contains the following topics and procedures:

Text FX Arrange Properties


  • Offset %: Moves the characters on the shape. 100% means one full rotation of the text on the circle.

  • Scale %: Sets the text on the shape. The parameter does not scale the characters itself, but the kerning of the characters.

  • Shape: Changes the shape of the character layout to Circle or Wave.

    Note: The shape of the text transformation is not visible in the Scene Editor while the Text Editor is active.

Circle Parameters


  • Diameter: Sets the diameter of the circular shape.

  • Positioning: Defines the position of the text on the circular shape:

    • Relative: Maintains the text spacing of the text object.

    • Absolute: Distributes the text evenly onto the circle.

  • Direction: Sets the direction of the text on the circle to either:

    • Clockwise, or

    • Counterclockwise.

  • Rotation: Rotates the characters on the X-axis.

  • Align: Rotates the characters on the Z-axis to align the X-axis with the tangent of the shape at the characters position.

Wave Parameters


  • Length: Sets the wave length. A high value creates many and small waves, a low value creates fewer and bigger waves.

  • Width: Sets the width of the wave.

  • Height: Sets the height of the waves without altering the number of waves as the Length does.

  • Shift %: The wave usually starts at the height 0. The shift value moves that point, thereby moving the texts position on the wave structure. Setting Shift % to 100% brings you back to the beginning.

  • Damping: Modifies the amplitude of the wave curves.

  • Rotation: Rotates the characters on the X-axis.

  • Align: Rotates the characters on the Z-axis to align the X-axis with the tangent of the shape at the characters position.