Viz Artist User Guide
Version 3.12 | Published October 17, 2019 ©
Tree Props
The Tree Props container plug-in is required for use of the Tree Status plug-in, needed by the Lineup template in Viz Pilot to collect information about the scene hierarchy. Move the Tree Props plug-in onto the group holding the transformation which is to be controlled by Viz Pilot. Viz Pilot is then able to build its own internal tree properties list.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Container plug-ins -> Lineup
Tree Props Properties
Control Transformation by Pilot: Allows Viz Artist control the transformation properties of the container holding the plug-in when enabled.
Control Texture Mapping by Pilot: Allows Viz Pilot control the Texture Mapping of the container holding the plug-in when enabled.
Control Material by Pilot: Allows Viz Pilot control the material on the container when enabled.