Viz Social User Guide

Version 1.1 | Published January 26, 2022 ©


Viz Social was built for you: News, entertainment, and sports TV producers tasked with the creation of social segments for today’s events. It was also built with the strong belief that one doesn’t need to be a technical wizard to produce and manage social media content for TV . What the market needs today is a product that guides you through the necessary steps for researching, formatting, and publishing social segments in an intuitive way, hiding all underlying technological complexities.

This is precisely what Viz Social achieves.

With Viz Social you can find, process, moderate and publish the most valuable social content extracted from large collections of posts from a multitude of channels, just seconds after it became available online.

With Viz Social we took the power of's award-winning Bee-On platform and used this well-established technology to power the creation of social spots and formats for broadcast, advertising, and digital playout. We overlaid the technology with an intuitive and simple web application that manages the data processing factory and database. This underlying infrastructure is designed for handling huge amounts of data, without losing flexibility and responsiveness. Hence, with Viz Social you can find, process, moderate, aggregate and publish the most valuable social content extracted from large collections of posts from a multitude of channels, just seconds after it became available online.

By combining 20 years of development invested in interactive communication solutions, the latest data processing technologies and a clever and simple UI, we've created a platform with which anyone can produce and manage social media content for TV. It'll open technological doors that so far no one had even bothered to try to open and its extreme intuitive approach immediately translates into major cost savings. Moreover, it integrates smoothly with companion apps so that the online universe can become part of the social formats produced by Viz Social as well. Finally, the scalable architecture is easily expandable, making Viz Social fully prepared for integration with future technologies.

The Viz Social application is built within a scalable and robust framework with a proven track record under high load and other extreme circumstances.

Document Structure

This document is structured as follows.

  • Overview describes the product architecture, its context, and the fundamental concepts necessary to operate Viz Social.

  • The Gather, Build, Publish and Analyze sections describe the functional features of the four main product modules.

  • Roles and Access Rights focuses on the user roles and permission structure of Viz Social. Finally,

  • Volume and Performance Limits specifies limits imposed on Viz Social by some of the Social APIs.

Feedback and Suggestions

We encourage suggestions and feedback about our products and documentation. To give feedback and/or suggestions, please contact your local Vizrt customer support team at