Template Builder User Guide
Version 2.4 | Published November 17, 2022 ©
Template Builder lets you make customized templates using scene import or existing templates from Viz Pilot's Template Wizard. This user guide shows you how to customize templates.
Info: A key feature is that you can add custom HTML panels to templates, giving full control over the template through custom scripting and logic.
A simplified version of the workflow follows below:
Scenes are made in Viz Artist.
The scenes are imported into Template Wizard, where templates are made.
Templates are edited and new templates can be made in Template Builder.
The template is saved in the Viz Pilot system and is available to newsroom and control room systems for playout.
Note: Changes made to a template in Template Builder are not be available when opening the template in Template Wizard.
Related Documents
The templates customized in Template Builder can be used by other Vizrt products such as Viz Pilot Edge, Viz Story and Viz Multiplay. For more information about all Vizrt products, visit:
We welcome your feedback and suggestions regarding Vizrt products and this documentation. Please contact your local Vizrt customer support team at http://www.vizrt.com.
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Vizrt does not recommend or test antivirus systems in combination with Vizrt products, as the use of such systems can potentially lead to performance losses. The decision for the use of antivirus software and thus the risk of impairments of the system is solely at the customer's own risk.
There are general best-practice solutions, these include setting the antivirus software to not scan the systems during operating hours and that the Vizrt components, as well as drives on which clips and data are stored, are excluded from their scans (as previously stated, these measures cannot be guaranteed).
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For technical support and the latest news of upgrades, documentation, and related products, visit the Vizrt web site at www.vizrt.com.