Viz Engine
Version 3.10 | Published April 03, 2018 ©
Video Output
Use the Video Output section to configure special settings for video output, such as SPG settings and so on.
Note: The VGA version of Viz Engine does not have this section.
Video Output Properties (1)
Show Video Output Config. Editor: Opens the Video Output Editor (2). You can also open the Video Output Editor by pressing Alt+V.
Use NVIDIA SDI output/capture card(s): Enable the NVIDIA card SDI module to output video. This shortens the output delay when outputting graphics and video through the video board. Enabling this disables the Video wall/Multi-display option below.
Note: NVIDIA Output cards with firmware 3.10 or later support embedded audio. Configurations with older firmware must handle audio externally.
Video wall/Multi-display: Sets the main output to the Digital Visual Interface (DVI). Viz Artist will render to full-screen (set the resolution in Output Format section). Enabling this disables the NVIDIA SDI output/capture option above.
Cutout: Select a section of a video wall and play-out through a Matrox card. Available if Video wall/Multi-display is set to Inactive and Output Format is set to Fullscreen
X/Y: Select the position of the cutout.
Width/Height: Set the width and hight of the cutout.
Resolution (drop down list): Select one of the supported resolutions for cutout. Please observe that Cutout requires these resolutions to work.
Note: If the Cutout section is disabled, make sure to set the Output Format to Fullscreen.
Allow Super Black (NVIDIA SDI card only): Controls the key output:
Inactive: Use the video range (only valid in conjunction with NVIDIA SDI and driver versions older than 259.12).
Active: Use the full signal range. When active it will determine to clip or not to clip the key output video signal that is under 7.5 IRE units or over 100 IRE units.
Readback Async: Enables asynchronous transfer between the graphics card and DVS Centaurus II video card on systems without a DSX LE preview card.
Streaming Output: Activate or deactivate IP Streaming output.
Render preview default setting: Sets the default value for the Preview button (see Control Buttons ) when Viz Engine is in On Air mode.
Inactive: Renders only video out signals. This increases performance, as the renderer does not have to render into an editor on-screen and into pixel buffer.
Active: Rendering will be done for both video out signals and on-screen (this will decrease the performance).
Fullscreen: Set the On Air window to screen size.
Video Output Editor
The Video Output Editor defines the synchronization standard and the output signal phases.
Freerun: Locks Viz Engine to a clock signal on the video board.
Blackburst: Locks Viz Engine to a Blackburst GenLock signal.
Tri-level: Locks Viz Engine to a Tri-Level GenLock signal.
Auto: Auto detects the genlock signal and locks to it.
Digital Input 1 and 2: Locks Viz Engine to the signal on Input 1 or 2.
H-Phase and V-Phase: Shifts the output signal with respect to the sync signal.
Note: The Auto option is only available on Matrox boards and on NVIDIA SDI option. On Matrox boards the h- and v-phase settings are updated as well.
To Make the V- and H-Phase Values Coincide
Set the V-phase value
The V-granularity is taken from the genlock
The V-delay is calculated from V-phase * V-granularity
The genlock is set with this V-delay
Set the H-phase value. Note that there is a distinction whether the H-phase is a positive or a negative value.
If the H-phase > 0
The genlock H-delay is set to 0
The H-granularity is taken from the video out channel
The H-delay is calculated from H-phase * H-granularity
The fill and key channels are set with this H-delay
If the H-phase <=0
The fill and key channel H-delay is set to 0
The H-granularity is taken from the genlock
The H-delay is calculated from - H-phase * H-granularity
The genlock is set with this H-delay
Note: The granularity and possible min/max values are printed to the Viz Artist/Engine console during startup.
It should be taken into account that when the genlock video format is different from the fill/key video format the value of the V-delay matches the genlock lines and not the video output lines. The same applies to negative H-phase values.
See Also