Viz Artist
Version 3.11 | Published August 27, 2018 ©
The Arrow built in geometry allows you to create and customize an arrow. The arrow is a 2D object. By clicking on the arrow icon in a container, the arrow editor opens. The default arrow has two heads. At the tip of each arrowhead the reference points are placed. The left point is 1 and the right is 2.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Built Ins -> Geom plug-ins -> Default
This section contains the following topics:
Arrow Properties
Use LOD: Enables/disables dynamic level of detail.
Point 1X/1Y/1Z/2X/2Y/2Z: Sets the point offsets.
Width: Sets the width of the arrow shaft.
Style 1: Select if the arrow end at point 1 should have a head or not.
Style 2: Select if the arrow end at point 2 should have a head or not.
Arrow Width: Sets the width of the arrow heads.
Arrow Length: Sets the length of the arrow head.
Percent: Scales the arrow in percent of the size defined by X-, Y- and Z-values.
Mode: Defines if the arrow lies in an XY, XZ or YZ plane.
To Create an Arrow
Create a group and add the Arrow plug-in to it.
Add a material and/or an image to the same container as the arrow plug-in to add color and/or texture to it.