Viz Pilot User Guide
Version 8.6 | Published October 23, 2020 ©
Keyboard Configuration and Macros
This section contains the following topics:
Keyboard Configuration
Select and define macros and assign them to specific key combinations, predefined functions and VB Scripts. To open the Keyboard Configuration window, select Customize Keyboard on the Tools menu.
This section contains the following topics:
Keyboard Configuration Window
Shortcut: Displays the macro name.
Keycode: Displays the keyboard shortcut.
Commands: Displays the shortcut command.
Import: Opens the Open window where a previously exported KBD (keyboard) file can be imported.
Export: Opens the Save As window where the current settings can be exported as a KBD file.
OK: Saves the keyboard shortcut configurations, and closes the window.
File location: %PROGRAMDATA%\Vizrt\Viz Pilot x.y\Config\vtw_keyboard.kbd -
Cancel: Closes the window.
Context menu
Add Macro: Opens the Macro Shortcut window, where a new macro can be created.
Delete Macro: Deletes the currently selected macro. Alternatively, click the keyboard shortcut CTRL + DELETE.
Remove Shortcut: Deletes the shortcut key code of the currently selected macro. Alternatively, use keyboard shortcut Delete.
Working with Macros and Shortcuts
Add a macro command: select Add Macro... .from the context menu to open the Macro Shortcut window, then enter the key combination, macro category:macro name and commands
Edit a macro command: double-click it to open the Macro Shortcut window.
Delete a macro command: select it and then either press the CTRL + DELETE keys, or select Delete Macro from the context menu
Remove a macro command shortcut: select the macro and then either press the DELETE key, or select Remove Shortcut from the context menu
Macro Shortcut
The New/Edit Macro Shortcut window is opened by selecting Add Macro from the Keyboard Configuration Window context menu, or double-clicking an existing macro.
The Macro Shortcut window contains the following fields and buttons:
Enter Key: Sets the keyboard shortcut for the macro. Place the cursor in this field and press the desired shortcut keys to set the key value.
Macro Name: Displays the macro category (for example macros:, gui:, viz: ) and the name of the macro. If a folder was selected when the Macro was opened, the category name will automatically be displayed in the Name text box. The category name can be set or changed in the Name field by adding the category and macro name separated by a colon (<macro category>:<macro name>).
Note: If a category is not added to the name it will be placed in the macros category. It is also possible to add new categories by defining them in the macro (for example foo:bar).
Global: Makes the macro work including when a template is open.
Description: Description of the macro.
Macro Commands: The names of the selected Predefined Functions for Keyboard Configuration are displayed.
VB Script: A text field where script code can be entered. This provides the possibility to further enhance and adapt the commands.
IMPORTANT! The function stub named RunScript must be used as the main script or entry point for other scripts; hence, it cannot be renamed or removed.
Show Macros: Opens the Predefined Functions for Keyboard Configuration window.
Save As New: Saves the macro as a new instance.
OK: Saves the macro, either as a new or modified macro.
Cancel: Closes the window, without saving any changes.
Predefined Functions for Keyboard Configuration
The Predefined Functions window contains a list of Commands that can be added to a keyboard shortcut.
Note: Only commands relevant to creating shortcuts are presented in this window. A more extensive list of predefined functions is available when using the Script Editor (see Script Editor Toolbar).
Template Wizard Macro Commands
Execute predefined functions without using keyboard shortcuts and macros.