Viz Multiplay User Guide
Version 2.6 | Published September 20, 2019 ©
System Diagrams
Viz Multiplay is compatible with graphics from Viz Trio or Viz Template Wizard. Shows from Viz Trio are available in Viz Multiplay.
Viz Multiplay can access and use templates and elements in a Pilot Data Server.
Viz Multiplay is hosted on a URL on the Media Sequencer. Any number of Viz Multiplay clients can connect to the same Media Sequencer, which provides the scheduling for playout.
The Viz Engine(s) are used for playout:
The video wall feature means that up to 4 DisplayPort outputs can come from a single GPU in a Viz Engine. Using either more GPUs, the number of outputs is limited to 16. Using one or more Datapath Fx4 display controllers, the number of outputs is unlimited. See the Release Notes for hardware requirements, and note that you should check the performance of your scenes when using complex configurations.
Standard SDI based playout (with one Viz Engine for each output).
Viz Multiplay can also access the media assets stored in Viz One and Media Service.