Viz Multiplay User Guide

Version 2.6 | Published September 20, 2019 ©

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are different keyboard shortcuts available depending on where in Viz Multiplay you are.

The different areas where you can use keyboard shortcuts are:

Main window

Clicking this button will display a window with all the available keyboard shortcuts in the Main Window in Viz Multiplay:





A, [number]

Arm on channel.

Arm the currently selected or first element on the channel.

If in 1-Tap mode, do nothing.

T, [number]

Take on channel.

If in 1-Tap mode, take the currently selected/first element on the channel.

If not in 1-Tap mode, take the armed element.

C, [number]

Cue armed element on channel.

Cue the currently armed element.

If in 1-Tap mode, do nothing.

Alt + T

Take all armed or selected elements.

Depends whether 1 tap mode is enabled or not. If enabled, the key press will take all selected elements, and if not, all armed elements will be taken.

Alt + C

Cue all armed elements.


Alt + U

Unarm all armed elements.


P, [number]

Continue current element on channel.

Continue the currently running element(s).

O, [number]

Out the current element on channel.

Take OUT the currently running element(s).

Alt + P

Continue all elements in the Program channel.


Alt + O

Out all elements in the Program channel.


Shift + R, [number]

Re-Cue the current video on channel.

Re-cue the video element currently set on the channel.

Shift + P, [number]

Pause the current video on channel.

Pause the currently playing video on the channel.

Shift + V, [number]

Play the current video on channel.

Play/continue the currently cued/paused video on the channel.

Shift + C

Collapse all channels.


Shift + E

Expand all channels.



Reveal channels.

Hold the Shift key to reveal more info on thumbnails in the Media Pane: GFX channels on filled presets, channel on shortcuts elements, and full description.


Take or Arm the selected element.



Delete the selected item.



Rename group.


The [number] in the above table refers to the index of the visible channels in the Multiplay GUI. The first visible channel has shortcut key 1, the second visible channel has shortcut key 2 etc. This means that if the GUI contains two channels A and B then A has shortcut key 1 and B has 2.

Note that [number] should be typed without any modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, ALT etc.). If the combination is a key and a number, the key must be pressed and released followed by the number in two separate consecutive key presses - not a simultaneous key press combination.

Profile Configuration

The following keyboard shortcuts are related to the Channels list in the Profiles tab in Settings.

Click a channel and apply the shortcuts to reorder channels.



Ctrl + Arrow up

Move a channel up in the list.

Ctrl + Arrow down

Move a channel down in the list.

Video Editor

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when previewing a video from the Video Editor window:




Move 1 frame back


Move 1 frame forward




Mark In


Mark Out

Shift + I

Go to In point

Shift + O

Go to Out point

Shift + C

Clear In/Out points


Fast reverse playback




Fast forward playback

Space or Ctrl + Space


Alt + J

Play backward at 0.5x speed

Alt + L

Play forward at 0.5x speed

Shift + J

Move 10 frames back

Shift + L

Move 10 frames forward

Shift + K

Keyboard shortcuts

Scroll wheel

Timeline zoom


In the Workspace Settings, you can assign your own keyboard shortcuts to switch between workspaces. To assign shortcuts, see Shortcuts per workspace.

Video Wall Designer

In the Video Wall designer, a help page for keyboard shortcuts is displayed when clicking the images/download/thumbnails/54029320/image2018-5-29_11-38-55.png button:



←, ↑, →, ↓

Move selection

Shift + (←, ↑, →, ↓)

Move selection more

Ctrl + resize

Keep the aspect ratio when scaling


Enable/disable snap


Enable/disable the pan tool


Enable/disable to keep the aspect ratio


Zoom in


Zoom out

Ctrl + click

Select/deselect multiple options

Ctrl + Alt + click

Select behind current selection

Ctrl + F

Bring selection to the front

Ctrl+ B

Bring the selection to the back

Backspace or Delete

Delete selected items

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + S

Save changes

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save changes as