Viz Multichannel
Version 4.0 | Published January 23, 2019 ©
Working with Actions
Actions, such as Viz and GPI, can automate certain tasks. For example, Viz Engine commands can be used in Viz Multichannel to:
Take specific pages on air
Clear specific render layers
Send Stop, Continue, Start and other commands to a specific render layer.
Viz commands are created globally, and can be used on all defined channels.
All commands must be first defined in Viz Multichannel in order for them to then be available as secondary events
Defining Actions
To Define Secondary Event Actions
Click the Actions button
The list of predefined commands are displayed
Right-click one of the actions and from the appearing context menu select New Command *or New GPO Command*
In the appearing dialog box enter:
Description is the descriptive term that is seen in the Actions list, as well as any drop-down list in the Rules and GPI settings panels.
Command is the actual command line sent.
Name is a pre-generated name based on type selected (e.g. viz_newcommand) - that is verified unique upon generation - and may be edited into something more descriptive. Name is the value used for scheduling (as “page name”’).
Click OK.
Note: For more information about Viz Commands, consult the _Viz Command _documentation that is included with your Viz Engine/Viz Artist installation.
See Also
Referenced Actions
Each occurrence of a Viz or GPI action in a playlist is independent, and editing it from within the playlist will only change that specific instance.
However, you can set up a playlist in such a way as to allow for last-minute global changes by associating referenced actions to primary events. In this use case, an action is associated by reference to primary events in the playlist. When the action has changed, either in the actions list (left panel) or by double-clicking on one of the referenced actions in the actual playlist, all occurrences in all playlists in the current channel are changed both retroactively and henceforth.
To Create a Referenced Action
Use an existing action or create a new one
Press and hold Alt + drag and drop the action to the playlist
The action will receive the following icon: