Viz Mosart Administrator Guide
Version 5.3 | Published September 12, 2023 ©
Video Router Configuration Files
Miranda NVision Configuration File
The integration between Viz Mosart and Miranda NVision video routers supports setting cross points on the router.
Viz Mosart will interface directly with the NVISION 5128 Router.
Router Control is handled by AV Automaton.
Testing can be done using the Viz Mosart TestRouterControl application.
The config file is called VideoRouterMirandaNV9000.xml, located at \\Mosart Medialab\Mosart Server\ConfigurationFiles
<?xml version=
<DeviceConfig name=
<!--The amount of time (in ms) to wait before reconnection after unsuccessful connect or lost connection-->
<item name=
<!--The Take mode parameter to the Take commands. Refer to the NV9000 spec pp.
details. The
value is Automatic take mode.-->
<item name=
<!--Not used-->
<item name=
<!--The User ID. Available in the NV9000 DB. Alternatively the client IP address as a network
order (big-endian)
bit word. E.g., the (hex) IP address FE.DC.BA.
should be written
<item name=
<!--Whether (True/False) to use the Take Source To Destination command. If False, use the Take Input To Output command instead. Default True.-->
<item name=
Protocol Details
For details on the NV9000 protocol, refer to the GrassValley product documentation (https://community.grassvalley.com/support/s/).
File Location
The Miranda Nvision configuration file is located in the program-folder under \Mosart Medialab\Mosart server\ConfigurationFiles\VideoRouterMirandaNV9000.xml.
ReconnectInterval: The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before reconnection after unsuccessful connect or lost connection. Default: 10000.
TakeMode: The Take mode parameter to the Take commands. Default: 0x00000001 (Automatic take mode).
UserID: The User ID. This can be fetched from the NV9000 database, or can be created by converting the client IP address to a network byte order (big-endian) 32 bit word. Default: 0xFEDCBA98.
For example, the (hex) IP address FE.DC.BA.98 should be written 0xFEDCBA98. -
UseTakeSourceToDestination: This value determines which protocol commands to use for setting a crosspoint:
True = 0x0000 3000 Take Source To Destination (default).
False = 0x0000 3001 Take Input To Output.
To integrate with Miranda NVision video routers, you must also configure it in Router.
Select the router protocol MIRANDA NV9000.
Set the IP address of the router, and the Port number (use 9193).
The config file is called VideoRouterEvertzQuartz.xml, located at \\Mosart Medialab\Mosart Server\ConfigurationFiles