Datacenter User Guide

Version 2.0 | Published November 02, 2023 ©

Configuring Datasets

The Datacenter allows communication with a variety of Providers, supporting a variety of technologies used to retrieve data.


The following Providers can be used to acquire live data from:

  • Manual: You can specify the key/value pairs manually.

  • File: Reads and monitors data from the configured files.

  • Replicator: Replicates data from a specific dataset from a Datacenter instance that runs on a different machine.

  • Sportzcast: Provides live data from electronic scoreboards in stadiums, as offered by Sportzcast by Genius Sports.

  • Vectar: Accesses the DataLink data source configured in Viz Vectar.

  • Kafka : Provides data from a configured Apache Kafka broker.

  • Rest Webserver : Fetches data from a generic REST-based webserver.

  • Fluid Data Services: Provides live and telemetry as offered by the Fluid Data Services data provider.

  • Stats Perform : Provides live and telemetry as offered by the Stats Perform data provider.

  • Viz Data Connectors : Provides data from a configured Flowics Vizrt existing account. This mode requires a valid Flowics Middleware to be correctly configured and running.

Depending on the Provider chosen, the configuration of each Dataset differs.
The rest of this section illustrates how to configure datasets for each of the supported providers: