Gateway Administrator Guide
Version 5.2 | Published March 01, 2019 ©
Gateway is Vizrt’s implementation of the Media Object Server (MOS) Protocol. It enables users of a Newsroom Computer System (NCS) to perform instant updates on running orders (rundown/playlist) in Vizrt’s content control applications such as Viz Trio and Viz Pilot.
As Gateway supports multiple NCS connections, it allows content control applications to request and monitor multiple running orders from multiple newsroom systems. By supporting the MOS protocol, Vizrt is able to integrate a wide range of its products with Newsroom Computer Systems that supports the MOS Protocol.
The Gateway Controller Client’s graphical interface is browser-based.
A 64-bit version of Windows is required to run Gateway.
Gateway has previously been known as Vizrt Viz Gateway, Viz Gateway or Viz MOS Gateway. As of version 2.0 the preferred name is simply Gateway.
This chapter contains the following topics: