Viz Pilot Edge User Guide

Version 2.1 | Published May 07, 2021 ©

Control Plugins Overview

Supported Control Plugins

Plugin Name


Control Action

Control Action table

Control Bars

Control Chart

Control chart works with VDT plugins. You can add and delete rows when filling in numbers.

Control Clip

Control Condition

Control Container

Control DB Object

Control Data Action

Control Datapool

Control Feed

Control feeds, like Nasdaq, for example.

Control Field Identifier

Probably works, need to check full workflow for this.

Control Geom

Remember to set up search provider towards GH for using this. Deny upward browsing seems to be broken for geoms. images/ VPE-3640 - Deny upward browsing and set path Resolved

Control Hide in range

Control Hide on Empty

Often used to hide a group when a text field or other is left empty

Control Image

Control Keyframe

Control List

Works as a regular table but is missing the functionality of moving lines up and down.

Control Material

Control Number

Control Object

Control object is normally added automatically to a scene when you add another control plugin. It is in this plugin you mark if a scene is part of a transition logic set or not. There should normally only be one control object in the scene. The exception is when you use control list when there is a control object for every line. The functionally of writing controlfields directly in the control object is currently not supported.

Control OMO

This controls an Integer from 0 to 5 etc. It is typically nice to use a dropdown for these with proper field names.

Control Parameter

Control Payload

Control Pie

Control Sign Container

Control Soft clip

Control Stoppoint

Control Text

In general control text is supported. But the full workflow for rich text may not be supported.

Control VBI

Control Video

Control Field renamer

Control Plugins Not Supported

Plugin Name


Control Apply SHM

Type Custom, uncertain if this is working and how it is supposed to work.


Currently Audio is not a supported field type

Control Clock

Currently not supported in Template Builder

Control Maps

Currently not working, Need Viz Engine 4.3 and more

Control Multihop

Depends on maps to first work

Control Placeholder

This is a plugin only valid for Viz Trio and was used to mark container where you could place predefined design elements for Viz Trio designer.

Control WoC

maps related