Working with Users

Only admins can create, delete, and assign privileges to users. This page describes:

Creating a New User

To Create New Users in Your Organization

  1. Navigate to the Users tab in the top menu.

  2. Click Create User.

  3. Fill out the form with the new user's email, first and last name, and assign their privileges (see User Privileges below).

    Note: Up to ten users can be added at a time.

  4. Click Confirm to finish creating the new user(s).

Managing Users

All users in the organization are displayed in the Users tab.

To Manage a Single User

  1. Click on the three dots to the right of their name to see a list of options.

    1. Edit: Use this to update the user's email, first/last name, and role in the organization.

      You can also disable the user by turning on the Disable User toggle.

    2. Disable User: Use this to prevent the user from accessing the organization, whilst retaining their details.

    3. Remove: Use this to remove the user from the organization and delete their information.

User Privileges

There are three different user roles within an Organization:

  • Admin: Full edit and access privileges for all spaces, and can configure the organization, manage users, change credentials, and assign roles.

  • Editor: Create, deploy, and destroy spaces, and can only view spaces that they have created themselves or been assigned to. Ability to start and stop spaces, add themselves to the whitelist, and access apps.

  • Operator: Access spaces that have been assigned to them and retrieve login information for apps within those spaces.

Summary of User Privileges





Access a deployed space that they are assigned to




Start and stop a space they own or are assigned to




Start any space within their organization




Access any space not within their organization




Create a new space




Deploy a space they own or are assigned to




Deploy any space within their organization




Deploy any space




Destroy a space they own or are assigned to




Destroy any space within their organization




Destroy any space not within their organization




Delete a space they are assigned to




Delete any space not within their organization




Assign users to a space they own




Assign users to any space within the organization




Assign users to any space not within their organization




Whitelist themselves to any space they have access to




Edit the whitelist on any space they have access to




Add new users to the organization and assign roles




Create new organizations




Invite other users to a space


