Viz Mosart Administrator Guide

Version 5.5 | Published July 22, 2024 ©

Vision Mixer Configuration Files

The configuration files for the following vision mixers (switchers) are listed here for convenience. See the inline commenting for parameter explanation.

Note: Only changes to commented values, where indicated as variables, are supported!


Settings for the video server configuration file and in addition, for Viz Engine as a video server. Only commented values may be changed.

<DeviceConfig xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <Properties>
<item name="KeepCache" value="False" />
<item name="RefreshOnUpdate" value="True" />
<!-- The layer a switching scene is located in on. Only used for video servers, for Engine Switcher (Viz Engine) this value is always "MIDDLE". Default: Back -->
<item name="ControlSceneLayer" value="MIDDLE" />
<!-- Shall always be true, do not change. Default: true -->
  <item name="UseScriptCommands" value="true" />
<!-- The path prefix of the clips. Default: <clip_root> -->
<item name="ClipNamePrefix" value="" />
<!-- Clip extension (if not set, all types can be played, but needs to be specified in the NRCS). Default: empty -->
<item name="ClipNamePostfix" value="" />
  <item name="AssetToMediaMap" value="UseTitleAsSlug" />
<!-- The version of the Switcher Scene. Used by Mosart to check the channel status when connecting to a port. For versions after 1, it does not need Mosart to check the status. It is dynamic. Default: 1 -->
 <item name="SwitcherSceneVersion" value="2" />

Note: For Engine Switcher Mode configurations in the Viz Engine, see Engine Switcher Configuration.


<DeviceConfig name="GvgVideoSwitcherConfig">
<item name="SendBreak" value="true" />
<item name="EnableHeartbeat" value="true" />
  • SendBreak: All GVG 4000 protocol switchers requires a break before connecting (but there are switchers which do not need this).

  • EnableHeartbeat: When no commands are issued, a heartbeat is sent to the vision mixer with an interval equal to the configured heartbeat interval.


<DeviceConfig name="GrassValleyVideSwithcerConfig">
<!-- Interval in seconds when to test for a valid connection when not connected -->
<item name="ConnectionCheckIntervalInSecondsNotConnected" value="5" />
<!-- Interval in seconds when to test for a valid connection when connected -->
<item name="ConnectionCheckIntervalInSecondsConnected" value="10" />


Note: This config replaces CarboniteVideoSwitcherConfig.xml.

<DeviceConfig name="CarboniteVideoSwitcherConfig">
<!-- The properties below is the virtual cross point mapping for internal Ross Carbonite sources. Alias can be anything. Value is the virtual assigned crosspoint to be set in AV Config XML. Name is the RossTalk command for the item.
<item alias="MediaStore1" value="1001" name="MS:1" />
<item alias="MediaStore2" value="1002" name="MS:2" />
<item alias="MediaStore3" value="1003" name="MS:3" />
<item alias="MediaStore4" value="1004" name="MS:4" />
<item alias="Black" value="1008" name="BK" />
<item alias="MatteColor" value="1009" name="BG" />
<item alias="ME1" value="1011" name="ME:1" />
<item alias="ME2" value="1012" name="ME:2" />
<item alias="MiniME1" value="1021" name="MME:1" />
<item alias="MiniME2" value="1022" name="MME:2" />
<item alias="MiniME3" value="1023" name="MME:3" />
<item alias="MiniME4" value="1024" name="MME:4" />
<item alias="MuliScreen1" value="1031" name="MSC:1" />
<item alias="MuliScreen2" value="1032" name="MSC:2" />


<DeviceConfig name="SonySwitcherConfig">
<!-- Truns the heartbeat mechanism on/off. -->
<!-- item name="EnableHeartbeat" value="false" / -->
<!-- The number of milliseconds before a time-out occurs when a read operation does not finish.
If set less than zero the time-out will be infinite -->
<!-- item name="ReadTimeout" value="100" / -->
<!-- ComPort2 is used for the SonySerialTallyDriver in split mode, using the second serialport for the SCU connection -->
<!-- <item name="ComPort2" value="COM23" /> -->
<!-- The properties below routes the different commands sets to either the standard or the extra COM port
None: always com port 1,
Partial: com port 1 if the crosspoint range or mix effect range is supported by com port 2, otherwise com port 2
Full: always com port 2
<item name="AutoTransComPort2" value="None" />
<item name="SetCrossPointComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="SetCrossPointComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="SetAuxCrossPointComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="SetKeyFillCrossPointComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="SetKeyerComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="SetDskComPort2" value="Partial" />
<item name="SetTransTypeComPort2" value="Full" />
<item name="RecallRegionComPort2" value="None" />


This config is employed when controlling video switching directly from a Vizrt Viz Engine, as presented in section Viz Engine as a Switcher.

<DeviceConfig xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<item name="ControlScenePath" value="Vizrt/VizMosart/ControlScenes/switcher" />
<item name="NumberOfKeyBuses" value="8"/> <!-- Number of key buses in template editor (default value is 4, only other valid option is 8) -->

Note: Configurations are also required on the Viz Engine server. See Engine Switcher Configuration.


<DeviceConfig name="VizrtIpSystemsVideoSwitcherConfig">
<!-- The path where EMEMs are stored -->
<item name="PathToEmem" value="D:\Sessions\SessionName\emem\" />
<!-- Set this to true if the crosspoint names should be sent in the command to the driver instead of the physical inputs for the NDI Outputs. Default: true.-->
<item name="UseOutputCrosspointNames" value="true" />