Datacenter supports datasets of type Socket Connector, allowing user to initiating streaming data to Datacenter from a TCP streaming server. Unlike a Socket Listener dataset, a dataset of this provider connects to an existing TCP server to initiate the streaming.
This is particularly useful for scenarios when a user needs to receive frequently updating data.
Follow these steps to configure a Socket dataset:
Create a new dataset of type Socket Connector, specifying a name and (optionally) a prefix to use to identify the dataset and its values:
Click Add. The dataset is added to the list, and its status depends on whether the server it is connecting to is up and running.
You can now configure the dataset in the Dataset parameters section panel by double clicking a row. Here you can specify a IP and a Port to start receiving data.
Depending on the state of the connecting sever, the dataset can be in one of the following states:
OK: a connection to it is established and (optionally) Datacenter receives data on it.
Warning: Awaiting connection.
Error: A connection error happened or Datacenter is receiving malformed data.
Given that the dataset is in an OK state, as soon as Datacenter receives data, the corresponding entries are added to the Dataset Entries table.
Please refer to the Filtering and Manipulating a Dataset Entries page to learn how to enable, disable and edit the entries added.
Note: a Socket Connector provider expects the data formatted as a valid JSON.
Note: a Socket Connector provider expects the data payload to terminate with a new line (i.e., ā\nā) separator character.